6 Reasons Why Managers Should Always Ask for Feedback

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“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” – Ken Blanchard

Can you imagine starting your day without a healthy breakfast? I know I can’t.

Breakfast gives you the energy to do great things, just like feedback!

And I know that negative feedback doesn’t taste good, but hearing it, giving it some thought and accepting it is the ONLY way for you to improve. Actually, for you and your entire organization.

A study of over 20K leaders indicated that honest feedback has a positive impact on team engagement. Leaders placed in the bottom 10% of feedback givers saw a much lower team engagement score (25%) than those placed at the top 10% (77%).

ask for feedback

To build a feedback culture, you as a Manager need to learn how to continually ask your employees for feedback.

Here are 6 reasons why Managers should always ask for feedback:

1. Always ask for feedback to strive for excellence.

You cannot improve without knowing what you’re doing wrong. Getting constructive and honest feedback is the fastest way for you to grow and enhance your performance. Being aware of how others perceive you is critical to increasing your influence as a leader.

I realize that from a managerial perspective asking for feedback might be challenging, as your subordinates will frequently fear potential repercussions of criticizing you.

However, if you ask for feedback regularly, then your employees will eventually get used to it and will speak more freely.

How frank their feedback is, will strongly depend on your reaction to it. The more defensive you’re, the more reluctant they’ll be to provide you with honest feedback.  

Hearing positive feedback should give you a motivation boost. 69% of employees admit that knowing their efforts are appreciated makes them work harder.

2. Always ask for feedback to better tolerate criticism.  

The ability to put up with criticism is a good skill to have especially when you’re in a managerial position. I mean hearing positive feedback is nice… but criticism lets you better prepare for challenges ahead.

The more frequently you hear it, the better you become at coping with it.

There are individuals who thrive on criticism (yes, it’s actually scientifically proven!). They’re believed to have a growth mindset and use negative feedback to learn and continuously grow.  

ask for feedback

It looks like the fastest way to perfection is to start loving negative feedback. YaaaY!

3. Always ask for feedback to show your employees you care.

Asking your employees for feedback will show them that you’re part of the gang; it will also make you look more human.

Employee happiness is greatly impacted by the relationship with their boss (and with their colleagues of course). Gallup’s research indicates that managers account for 70% of the variance in employee engagement scores.

And it’s no secret that employees tend to leave their Managers, not their organizations.

The biggest reward for every Manager should be the appreciation from their team. There is no other way to become a better leader than asking your subordinates how you can improve.

By encouraging your employees to give you feedback, it will be easier for them to relate to you.

4. Always ask for feedback to create a culture of openness.

Giving and receiving feedback is about a free exchange of thoughts and opinions both positive and negative. Asking for feedback on a regular basis will create a culture of openness.

Your employees will communicate their ideas and their feelings more freely.

This should not only allow you to manage your team more effectively, but it will also let you spot and resolve any potential conflicts before they escalate into something more serious.

5. Always ask for feedback to improve team morale.

It’s unquestionable that most people would prefer working for a boss who respects their opinions. Employees are not robots but intelligent human beings who have feelings and opinions, so let their voices be heard.  

It’s especially important to Millennial employees who currently dominate the workforce.

Leaders who are great listeners and encourage dialogue will be viewed favorably by this very demanding generation.

By trusting your employees and their judgment, you encourage them to contribute even more to the team’s success. It’s highly probable that those employees will be more engaged, and therefore stay in the company longer than those who feel a lack of trust.

6. Always ask for feedback to unlock change and innovation.

Constructive feedback should be the basis for change and innovation. Just like asking your customers for feedback can be a good starting point for improving your product.

Asking your employees for feedback will not only help you brush up your management skills but it will also provide you with some fresh ideas on pretty much every aspect of running the business.

If you ask the right people I mean.

Do you regularly ask your employees for feedback? Do you have any useful tips to share? Please let us know in the comments!

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