Save LinkedIn InMail with a Single Click

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Save LinkedIn InMail with a Single Click

LinkedIn InMail is really convenient. So it’s no wonder that they’re restricted to a certain number in each plan. But the cheapest plan (nearly 22 euros per month) allows you to send only three InMails, which possibly won’t be enough.

No matter if you’re hunting for your dream job, growing your network or looking for sales opportunities, to fully benefit from LinkedIn you need a reliable way of expanding your network to reach interesting people and get what you need.

Right after the publication of use LinkedIn like a pro with a simple trick we knew the next #lifehack we wanted to share with you would be a little more sophisticated and focused on starting and developing relationships.

This trick gives you exactly two things:
  1. It saves your InMail for sending to people you’re 100% sure you need to contact.
  2. It removes the uncomfortable friction from cold messaging an unknown person.

The first thing you have to do is to subscribe to every group of potential interest to you and your business. Then prepare your keyboard and start messaging! Let me present the process using my example.

As a content marketer, I often reach out to people to get a quote, opinion or stats from experiments. I recently joined a very lively group, “Content Marketing Academy”.

Avoid LinkedIn InMail by searching a group for your prospect

It’s 16,000 members constantly comment on its many discussions. At the time I was looking for a marketer who would like to share his or her traffic statistics. After only a few scrollings I found:

I found the person I need in the group

I don’t know Leslie. We don’t have shared connections, and I’m not sure if she’s willing to share her statistics with me. So why should I use InMail?

There’s a simpler and less risky way:

Click "Reply privately" to contact my target without using LinkedIn InMail

Click “Reply privately”. That’s it.

Remember that the chosen discussion is your touch point, use it for your benefit.

That can be a great lead generation machine. If you join the right group and pick the right question, you can confidently pitch your product.

P.S. Remember that restraint is always a good policy. This method is nice and quick, but every group has its rules and moderators.

P.P.S. Check out another interesting LinkedIn “frenemies” hack from Max Altschuler (Sales Hacker) on Lincoln Murphy’s blog.

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