5 Reasons To Use Sales Outreach Tools + List of Best to Use

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5 Reasons To Use Sales Outreach Tools

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Without any doubt, outreach is a crucial part of the sales cycle. 

Still, finding leads and sending them emails can be a time-consuming task if done manually.

For small businesses, this task can be particularly daunting as they strive to engage leads.

Here’s where sales engagement platforms and outreach tools come to save the day, helping sales reps and other marketing professionals automate this phase of sales. And not only that — sales tools can benefit your sales strategy in a number of other ways.

In this article, we’re taking a closer look at the top 5 reasons why sales reps need to start using an outreach tool in their sales outreach campaign to boost productivity and efficiency. 

In addition, we’ve compiled a list of the top 21 tools to help you choose the best one for sales outreach. Let’s dive in!


  • Outreach tools help sales professionals refine B2B sales and personalize their sales messages, leading to more meaningful conversations and better conversion rates.
  • They streamline the entire outreach sales process from research to measuring results, making a sales cycle more efficient and manageable.
  • Email outreach tools help in discovering high-quality leads and provide important data on prospects, making the challenging task of prospecting easier and more effective.
  • Moreover, they allow you to categorize your prospects and ensure you contact the right people with the right messages, avoiding mistakes like reaching out to existing customers with outbound campaigns.
  • Some of the best email outreach tools currently on the market include Growbots, Lemlist, and Salesloft, each offering unique features and benefits to suit different needs.
  • No matter if you are a small business or a big enterprise, you can use these outreach tools to automate and personalize email scheduling, tracking, and sending, saving time and improving efficiency in managing email communications.

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5 Reasons You Need To Start Using an Outreach Tool in Your Sales Campaign

1. Outreach Tools Help Sales Reps Refine and Tailor Your Sales Messaging

As good as you might like to think you are at manually searching for prospects and their email addresses on the web, the big question is how good you are at sales conversation.

Sure, crafting outreach emails with compelling subject lines can significantly increase open rates of your cold emails but there is something even more important – relevance.

It’s safe to say that personalizing mass messages is hard since understanding how to communicate effectively in a way that resonates with each specific prospect is tough.

This is all about personalization and having more meaningful and productive conversations with your prospects. Personalization works from the very first point of contact with your prospect — personalizing email subject lines leads to a 22% increase in open rate. (Outreach.io)

The sales touch process is super important when it comes to converting prospects into customers.

Fortunately, sales reps can use tools that help refine communication sequencing so that conversion rates improve – and so does the revenue.

When the flow of your communication is better, you’ll develop more leads.

But without the use of tools, the sheer mass – and variety – of communication might prove to be too overwhelming for it to be effective.

2. Sales Outreach Tools Let You Segment Your Customers

Imagine that you accidentally contacted one of your existing customers with an outbound campaign. Nightmare, isn’t it?

Of course, this is a damaging scenario that can easily happen if you aren’t leveraging outreach tools.

The right tools allow you to build segments so that you categorize your prospects as contacts or leads, and so that you only contact the right people at the right stages of the sales cycles with the right sales outreach campaigns.

Separating contacts from leads is one thing, but in terms of segmentation, it is also crucial to segment customers based on their company size and industry.

Another layer of segmentation would be to group different types of decision-makers – these methods can help your messaging better address your prospects’ challenges.

Tools also show you which prospects are worth doubling down on, and which ones need to be discarded.

3. Sales Outreach Tools Help You Find the Best Prospects

Admit it — no matter how good you say you are at finding prospects, you know that finding the best prospects is actually kinda hard and time-consuming.

Wouldn’t life be so much easier if there were tools to help you out?

In fact, prospecting is one of the most difficult aspects of the sales cycles, with 68% of companies admitting that it’s a struggle.

But it’s okay because sales tech in the form of outreach tools can really help you out here.

Outreach tools will let you discover high-quality leads, uncover important data on hot prospects, and boost the velocity of your sales process.

With over half of our sales time wasted on fruitless prospecting that leads nowhere, making the most of outreach tools and sales engagement platforms is a smart idea.

These tools give you access to vital information such as a company’s leadership team (who is on it), their revenue and a list of competitors.

When searching for SaaS companies, outreach tools give you key insights into the technologies your prospects are currently using so that you can easily determine if that person is a good fit for you.

Doesn’t that sound much better than trawling the web for influencers that aren’t even visible?

4. Sales Outreach Tools Can Speed Up the Email Process

Let’s face it, what slows many of us down are the emails.

It’s not just one or two emails – it’s dozens of emails to dozens of different prospects.

Each email needs personalization and you need to stay on top of sending them out and tracking the replies. It can really slow you down.

As you might have already guessed, there are outreach tools that take care of all this for you.

With outreach tools, you can automate scheduling of emails and personalize them at a larger scale straight from your email account.

Because scheduling our emails and staying on top of them can be a real pain, let a tool take care of this from now on.

Tools can also track your click-through and response rates so that you can easily monitor your performance and optimize the strategy on the go.

5. Sales Outreach Tools Make the Process More Streamlined

When the outreach process is more streamlined, it’s more efficient.

Sales tools are able to take care of so much of the process — from initial research to first contact, and then to the measuring of your results — that outreach is suddenly a more streamlined process.

This saves you time and allows you to focus on other aspects of your business.

And once you establish the process, your main job is only to take care of the maintenance.

All in all, outreach tools are designed to make your sales cycles a breeze to handle.

At the end of the day, this is a numbers game and you do need the help of an automation tool to get desired results.

From now on, sales tech should underpin your outreach campaigns so that you discover better leads while saving time.

When used properly, outreach tools help you research and discover the best prospects, communicate effectively with them, before analyzing your key metrics — such as email clicks and conversions — so that you can tweak your future campaigns.

21 Best Sales Outreach Tools To Streamline the Process

Sales professionals find the tools below indispensable in navigating their sales cycle. Now that you know the importance of automation in ​​cold emailing for sales prospecting and outreach sales, let’s dive in into the actual list of the best sales outreach tools to use:

1. Growbots

Growbots is an all-in-one solution for driving predictable revenue growth. Essentially, it gives you all the tools you need to find and contact your prospects, from prospecting and email warm-up to email automation and outreach. It is a cold email outreach software which has been around since 2008.

Key features


Access to over 150M verified prospects

The Growbots database has a full coverage of all US, Canadian, and Australian decision-makers. It allows sales professionals to select the target market using Growbots advanced targeting criteria (industries, location, headcount, revenue, positions, etc.) and instantly get a tailored list of your prospects and their contact details.

Self-healing database

Growbots’ database is continuously updated thanks to live email verification. Every email you send makes Growbots more accurate, resulting in high email deliverability.

Browsing through prospects or finding particular accounts

The Growbots extensive targeting criteria allow you to find new potential clients or reach decision-makers within organizations of your choice.

Generating prospect lists with no hassle

Once you select the prospects you want to reach, you can seamlessly export the list to a CSV file or use it in an outreach campaign directly in Growbots.

Zero chances to accidentally contact your current clients

If you decide to sync your CRM with Growbots or upload your own list, your existing contacts will be automatically blacklisted.

Seek, pick, and reach

Connect with your potential customers

Setting up your campaign

Connecting multiple email accounts to one user interface

With Growbots, you won’t need to switch between inboxes to track the performance of your outbound campaigns — you can connect and monitor multiple email accounts within one profile. Moreover, the tool will distribute your scheduled emails between your accounts to guarantee high email deliverability.

Deliverability tests

No matter how good your email might be, it won’t generate any results if it lands in a spam folder. Growbots runs deliverability tests to see where your emails land and whether you should adjust your DNS settings.

Warming up your emails for free

Warming up your emails is crucial to maintain a high level of your sender reputation. Your email reputation is key to running successful email campaigns, strengthening your overall sales outreach strategy, and increasing your ROI. As part of using Growbots, you will get free access to Growbots email warm-up tool.

Email automation

The Growbots platform will automate outreach for you — you only need to pick the time you want your emails to be sent at, with all campaigns scheduled based on your prospects’ timezone. What is more, Growbots uses sending limits and randomized sending gaps between emails for optimal deliverability.

Email personalization

With Growbots, you can create unlimited email templates and sequences and get detailed information about your prospects to personalize your messaging.

Automatic follow-ups

Growbots allows sales managers either to configure a gap between messages or do it automatically with optimized sending time. Your follow-ups will be sent to keep your idea on top of the prospect’s inbox. If they reply before a suggested follow-up, the sequence will automatically stop.

Multichannel sequences

Growbots enables including LinkedIn touches, phone calls, and other custom tasks in your sequence. Executing such a campaign requires much effort, still, if cold calling and social media are among your strengths, it will definitely pay off.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

The Growbots’ Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithm sorts all replies as Cold, Warm, or OOO. As a result, you won’t miss out on any warm leads. Only positive responses will reach your mailbox, so your lead generation will be optimized to improve your efficiency, and your state-of-mind.

OOO replies

All OOO replies will be automatically rescheduled to the first day your prospect is back.

Shared Inbox (coming soon)

This feature will let you manage and answer all questions and replies your campaigns receive.

Optimizing your results

Actionable insights

Growbots gives sales and marketing teams access to detailed reports, allowing them to effectively monitor open rates, click-through rates, and warm responses. This way, you’ll be able to identify your best-performing campaigns and reuse them later to close more deals.

A/B testing

With this tool, you can make the most of split testing to make data-driven decisions. Growbots will quickly help you identify what works best so you can maximize your sales performance.

Additional features

Salesforce and HubSpot Integration

You can select which Growbots fields you’d like to sync with your HubSpot/SFDC account to receive lead status updates and deduplicate against current contacts and accounts.

Zapier integration

Integration with Zapier allows you to connect Growbots with more than 1000 applications. For instance, you can sync Growbots with your favorite scheduling tool such as Calendly and coordinate Facebook Ads with your outbound campaign.

Importing your existing contacts

You can seamlessly integrate your CRM with Growbots or simply import a CSV file and send dedicated outreach campaigns to your own list of contacts.

Outbound know-how

With Growbots, you gain access to valuable knowledge about the tool and efficient outbound practices through training, live Q&A sessions, frequently updated knowledge base, chat support, blog content, and more.


Outreach ($49/month): importing your own contacts, multichannel sequences, unlimited campaigns

All-in-One ($199/month): up to 500 new contacts, multichannel sequences, unlimited campaigns

PRO (custom pricing): unlimited new contacts, multichannel sequences, unlimited campaigns

DIY with Growbots help ($807/quarterly “Starter” subscription): 1 user, 1 email account, up to 500 new contacts per month, premium support

Concierge service (custom pricing): if you don’t have time or desire to deal with outbound yourself, you can outsource it to one of the Growbots full-service consultants while focusing on the best part — engaging with warm leads.


2. SmartReach

SmartReach is an email and sales outreach tool that syncs your outreach activity with your CRM platform, automating your sales emails.

Key features

One of the most popular sales engagement platforms, SmartReach can automatically send personalized emails and follow-ups in a way close to manual sending. The tool allows sales reps to grow email deliverability rates and easily reach their recipients’ primary inboxes. With SmartReach, you can effectively organize lead data by segmenting prospects according to their responses, and closely monitor your open, reply, and click-through rates to adjust your campaigns and secure high lead engagement.


Individual (from $24/month per user): unlimited number of campaigns, A/B testing, prospect management, and more

Business (from $99/month for 5 users): intelligent reply detection and follow-up pausing, creating and sharing email templates with the team, team inbox, and more

Agency (custom price): custom onboarding session and team training, live on-call and screen-share support, support with setting up integrations with other tools, support with setting up your email accounts for optimal email deliverability, and free access to WarmupHero


3. Yesware

Yesware is a sales prospecting tool that can track email outreach performance and help B2B sales teams effectively engage with prospects.

Key features

Yesware allows you to create automated sales campaigns with calls, emails, and social media outreach. With Yesware, you can use templates to approach your sales cycles more efficiently and integrate the platform with Gmail account, Outlook, Salesforce CRM, LinkedIn, or Google Analytics to maximize sales outreach. The tool also provides reports you can leverage to optimize your outreach strategy.


Free: basic email open tracking, basic attachment tracking, meeting scheduler, and more

Pro ($15/month per user): all Free features, personal activity report, customer interactions report, and more

Premium ($35/month per user): all Pro features, Zoom meeting integration, shared templates and email marketing campaigns, and more

Enterprise ($65/month per user): all Premium features, bi-directional activity, sync with Salesforce CRM, email sent sync, and more

Custom (contact their sales team for a custom quote): all Enterprise features, managed package reporting, preferring Salesforce contacts over leads, and more


4. Woodpecker

Woodpecker is an outreach sales tool that helps scale your sales outreach efforts, enhance email deliverability, and grow prospect engagement.

Key features

With Woodpecker, you can validate your potential customer contact details in real-time to secure better deliverability. Also, you can set up automated follow-up sequences based on your prospect’s response, and establish multi-channel outreach combining emails, LinkedIn tasks, and cold calls. In addition, the tool allows you to effectively monitor your open, click, reply, and bounce rates across sales cycles.


Woodpecker’s pricing ranges from $49 to $64/month per slot. The service includes condition-based campaigns and manual tasks, setting up follow-up variations based on a prospect’s behavior, free warm-up and recovery, free email list verification and validation, deliverability tracking, and more. The price depends on whether you opt for A/B testing and/or API keys and integrations as well as the number of prospects you want to contact monthly per slot (1,500, 6,000, or unlimited).


leave no lead unexplored

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5. GMass

GMass is one of the sales automation tools that work inside Gmail.

Key features

With GMass, you’ll get access to automatic email personalization, bulk email scheduling, email list builder, automated email follow-ups, detailed reports, behavior-based campaigns, and sentiment analysis.


Standard ($19.95/month): basic campaigns, mail merge personalization, email address verification, and more

Premium ($29.95/month): all Standard features, advanced mail merge personalization, email sequences and follow-ups, API access, and more

Enterprise ($49.95/month): all Premium features, A/B testing, high-priority customer support, and more

Team ($125/month for 5 users): all Enterprise features


6. Pipedrive

Pipedrive is a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platform offering a sales rep advanced email outreach, sales prospecting, and sales automation capabilities.

Key features

Pipedrive allows you to automatically send out personalized messages to grow lead engagement and drive them forward in the sales cycles. Also, you’ll be able to optimize your email workflows based on the report data and import sales lead information from a spreadsheet or another CRM software like Salesforce or HubSpot.


Essential (€14.90/month per user): lead, deal, calendar and pipeline management, streamlined data import and easy customization, 24/7 support, and over 300 integrations

Advanced (€24.90/month per user): all Essential features, full email sync with templates and scheduling, group emailing, open and click tracking, workflow builder, and more

Professional (€49.90/month per user): all Advanced features, creating, managing, and eSigning documents and contracts, revenue projections, forecasts, enhanced custom reporting, and more

Enterprise (€99.00/month per user): all Professional features, additional security, phone support, and more


7. Mailshake

Mailshake is a sales engagement platform for transforming cold prospects into warm leads with the help of automated outreach.

Key features

With Mailshake, you can fully leverage your email outreach campaigns and follow-ups to connect with potential customers. The tool allows you to automatically transfer lead data to the CRM/sales platform, monitor lead interactions across email, phone, and social media, and pause email sequences once a prospect replies, unsubscribes, or bounces.


Email Outreach ($58/month per user): email warm-up service, Gmail / Outlook / SMTP Email personalization, and more

Sales Engagement ($83/month per user): all Email Outreach features, social selling, and more


8. HubSpot Sales Hub

HubSpot Sales Hub is a tool that helps sales professionals to effectively engage with prospects and manage their pipeline.

Key features

HubSpot Sales Hub allows you to improve your sales process with the help of personalized email campaigns and follow-up messages. With this tool, you can significantly boost your sales efficiency by prioritizing sales calls, recording them directly from the browser, and logging them in the CRM platform. Also, it lets you transform your top-performing sales emails into templates.


Free: contact management, email scheduling, email tracking, and more

Starter ($50/month): all Free features, up to 5,000 templates per account, 10 reporting dashboards, and more

Professional ($500/month): all Starter features, 5,000 sequences, automatic lead rotation, and more

Enterprise ($1,200/month): all Professional features, Salesforce custom object sync, quote-based workflows, and more


9. Lemlist

Lemlist is a cold email outreach tool that allows you to personalize your cold email campaigns, set up automated follow-ups, and boost prospect outreach.

Key features

This sales enablement tool lets sales teams interact with prospects across phone, SMS, email, LinkedIn, etc., connect with CRM platforms and lead generation tools to engage your prospects, schedule emails and follow-ups, and personalize your messages to improve engagement.


Email Outreach ($59/month): personalization, automated email follow-ups, and more

Sales Engagement ($99/month): all Email Outreach features, importing leads from LinkedIn Sales Navigator, email enrichment, and more

Agency (contact their sales team for a custom quote): available for all types of plans, Agency cockpit, free supervisor roles to manage campaigns, report-only access for clients


10. Reply

Reply is an all-in-one sales engagement platform that can assist you with scaling your multi-channel cold outreach campaigns and generating new leads.

Key features

The tool allows you to enhance lead engagement through LinkedIn outreach with semi-automated connect requests and messages. In addition, it will help you validate prospects’ email addresses to boost email deliverability and segment your prospects based on demographics and location.


Email Warm-Up ($29/month per user): multiple warm-up profiles

Email Search (from $49/month): Reply Google Chrome extension, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, business email search, Export data via CSV, and more

Sales Engagement (from $60/month): unlimited sequences, Reply Google Chrome extension, and more


11. Mixmax

Mixmax is an email tracking and sales engagement tool that allows you to send outreach emails from your Gmail and Google Workspace accounts.

Key features

With Mixmax, you’ll be able to schedule automated follow-ups based on prospect behavior, automatically sync sales rep activity by connecting Mixmax to Salesforce, DocuSign, and Google Calendar, add documents, interactive graphics, and videos to your outreach emails, and monitor open and click rates in real time.


Free: instant scheduling, email tracking (100 emails per month), email template designs, and more

SMB ($29/month per user): all Free features, shared email templates, CRM auto-bcc, and more

Growth ($65/month per user): all SMB features, sequence personalization, sales intelligence reporting and analytics, and more

Growth + Salesforce ($69/month per user): all Growth features plus Salesforce integration

Enterprise (contact their sales team for a custom quote): all Growth features, delegated sending, and more


12. Cirrus Insight

Cirrus Insight is a sales tool that provides you with automated functionalities to step up your outreach efforts and set up sales cadences.

Key features

Cirrus Insight allows you to save your most successful outreach emails as templates for future campaigns, schedule meetings, calls, reminders, and emails to build a successful sales cadence, analyze sales intelligence reports to build more effective lead engagement strategies, and sync your tasks, emails, and calendar schedule with the Salesforce CRM.


Salesforce Sync ($10/month per user): Email Sync, Calendar Sync, Task Sync, and more

Pro ($21/month per user): all Salesforce Sync features, access to contacts’ social media profiles, and more

Expert ($29/month per user): all Pro features, web visitor tracking, and more


Seek, pick, and reach

Connect with your potential customers

13. Salesloft

Salesloft is a sales outreach tool that helps B2B sales teams generate leads from multiple channels and close more deals.

Key features

This tool will help you automate personalized outreach emails and follow-ups to grow lead engagement. You can also use Salesloft Analytics to monitor the progress of your sales outreach sequences and analyze your sales pipeline and make more informed decisions about improving lead engagement.


Contact their sales team for a custom quote.


14. SalesBlink

SalesBlink is an all-in-one automated outreach sales prospecting tool to help you engage more leads.

Key features

SalesBlink includes email verification tool, subject line generator, email signature generator, and meeting scheduler.


Email Warm-Up Plan: $15/month per user

Email Outreach Plan: $39/month per user

Sales Outreach Plan: $99/month per user


15. Overloop

Overloop (previously known as Prospect.io) is a multi-channel outbound platform that allows you to effectively manage your entire sales pipeline and keep track of your performance.

Key features

With Overloop, you can create multi-channel campaigns, connect your email and LinkedIn accounts, send personalized emails, automate profile visits or connection requests, and send your emails as replies to your previous emails.


€99.00/month per user: access to all features, multi-channel campaigns, cold email campaigns, LinkedIn campaigns, 250 Email Finder credits, unlimited contacts, API and CRM integrations, and more


16. SalesHandy

SalesHandy is a cold email outreach tool for sales with automated features such as email personalization, email templates, email scheduling, and more.

Key features

This robust email automation tool allows you to autopilot your cold email outreach with the help of automated email follow-ups, schedule multi-stage sequences in advance to receive high open rates and generate more conversations, and bring your outreach conversion rate to the next level with high email deliverability.


Starter ($9/month per slot): unlimited email tracking, unlimited warm-up activity, customizable warm-up settings, SMTP/IMAP support, a free team member with each slot

Outreach ($33/month per slot): all Starter features, unlimited prospects, unlimited email sequences, advanced team management, A/B testing


17. Wiza

Wiza is an excellent tool for building your email lists with the help of LinkedIn prospecting and exporting contacts from LinkedIn Sales Navigator to your CRM.

Key features

Wiza lets you easily find up-to-date contact data and use it to reach out to your prospects. It can be integrated with any CRM or marketing platform.


You only pay when Wiza finds verified contact information.

Micro ($30/month per user): 75 email credits $0.15 per extra, $0.35 per phone credit, credits rollover, CRM integration

Pro ($50/month per user): 250 email credits $0.15 per extra, $0.35 per phone credit, credits rollover, CRM integration, free scraping mode, team analytics

Growth ($100/month per user): 750 email credits $0.15 per extra, $0.35 per phone credit, credits rollover, CRM integration, free scraping mode, team analytics, and more


18. Klenty

Klenty is another recommended sales engagement platform for outbound and inbound sales.

Key features

With Klenty, you’ll be able to create personalized emails and follow-ups and send them over to your prospects, sort replies and bounces, and perform basic tasks right from Gmail. What is more, you can integrate Klenty with your CRM to get a full-stack cold outreach tool.


Startup ($50/month per user billed annually): mail cadences custom domain tracking, random interval, intent score reports, API, Zapier, Gmail plugin, mail merge, email validation (on demand)

Growth ($70/month per user billed annually): all Startup features, multichannel outreach, CRM integrations, and more

Enterprise ($140/month per user billed annually): all Growth features, mail merge, image personalization, IP-based login restrictions, customer success review, deliverability reports, account-based goals


19. AutoKlose

AutoKlose is a sales outreach tool with an easy-to-use interface that can help you build a close relationship with your prospects.

Key features

AutoKlose will provide you with access to a large database of verified leads from different industry verticals. You can narrow down your search using filters, create customized email sequences, and automate your sales process. In addition, it is possible to integrate AutoKlose with SalesForce, Salesflare, Pipedrive, Calendly, Copper, and HubSpot.


Auto Kloser ($59.99/month per user): 2 automated email account connections, 500 outbound emails per connection, unlimited contacts upload, unlimited campaigns, unlimited tracking and follow-ups

Advanced Kloser ($69.99/month per user): all Auto Kloser features, 500 email verification credits, application integration (Zapier and APIs), team management, decision tree, email ramp-up

Accelerated Kloser ($99.99/month per user): all Advanced Kloser features, 250 data credits/month per user, 1000 email verification credits


20. NinjaOutreach

NinjaOutreach is your perfect outreach tool if influencers are your target audience. It automates the task of reaching out to leads.

Key features

With this tool, you can find business profiles, influencers and emails, manage big campaigns and multiple projects, or create effective influencer marketing campaigns.


Flex: ($389/month)
Silver: ($589 /month)
Silver Plus: ($849 /month)


21. SendPulse

SendPulse is a top email outreach tool that offers over 130 templates and allows users to create one from scratch with the help of a simple drag-and-drop function.

Key features

With SendPulse, you can create cross-channel outreach campaigns, deliver content straight to your audience’s inboxes, reach your prospects on their mobile phone, and seamlessly integrate the CRM with other SendPulse products.


Free: all core features you need to get started with email marketing — up to 500 subscribers, up to 15,000 emails

Standard (€7.00/month): an expanded suite of essential tools for growing businesses

Pro (€9.00/month): full access to every feature email marketing pros need

Enterprise (€12.00/month): maximum advanced features for large companies


How To Choose the Best Tool?

Of course, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Before you decide on the outreach tool to use, you need to thoroughly analyze your current needs and goals — this should help you considerably narrow down your search. Then, think of the budget you’re ready to allocate for the tool, and again, cross out the options you can’t afford. You can start with free plans or choose the least expensive ones to test the tool of your choice over one sales cycle, and then move to a more advanced tier or switch to another tool in case it hasn’t fulfilled your expectations.

To Wrap It Up

All in all, a high-performing email outreach tool is a must if you strive to get quality leads into your pipeline. By automating tasks and leveraging in-depth analytics, you can free up your time to focus on building strong relationships with your prospects and nurturing them into loyal customers.


Picture of Maciej Skoczyński

Maciej Skoczyński

Account Executive Team Leader at Growbots

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