How to Cold Message on LinkedIn and Get Responses

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How to Use LinkedIn Cold Messaging and Get Responses

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Cold messaging on LinkedIn is a pivotal tool for professionals in various fields seeking to expand their network, pitch services, or scout for potential job candidates. This technique involves reaching out to individuals with whom you have no prior relationship, making the first impression crucial. Before diving into crafting the perfect LinkedIn cold message, it’s important to understand the platform’s context and how to navigate its professional environment to your advantage.If you have ever wondered how to cold message on LinkedIn, read on to learn the key tactics and enhance your professional outreach and networking potential.


  • Ensure your LinkedIn profile is professional and reflective of your goals.
  • Be clear about the value you’re offering to the message recipient.
  • Conduct in-depth research on the person and their company to customize your message.
  • Consider the timing of your message for higher chances of a response.
  • Develop a clear strategy for follow-up if you don’t hear back immediately.
  • Include a compelling reason for reaching out, establish a connection, and make a clear ask in your message.
  • Increase message response likelihood with personalization, mentioning mutual connections, offering clear value, and keeping the message brief.
  • Personalize your message while maintaining professionalism and patience in your outreach approach.
  • Use LinkedIn’s filtering tools for precision targeting based on relevant criteria.
  • Engage with the recipient’s content to lay the groundwork for your outreach.
  • Craft your message opener to be personal, relevant, brief, and to provide a clear value proposition.
  • Decide between a direct approach, stating your intent upfront, and an indirect approach, where rapport is built before making an ask.
  • Align your message with your end goal, whether for sales, networking, job seeking, or partnership discussions.
  • Create a LinkedIn profile that effectively represents your professional brand to support your messaging efforts.
  • Improve your response rate by personalizing your messages with references to the recipient’s content, achievements, or mutual connections.
  • Communicate your intent and value proposition clearly and concisely to respect the recipient’s time.
  • Start with a template but modify it to fit the individual situation and add personal touches.
  • Send polite reminders at appropriate intervals, and do not be overly persistent.
  • Treat each interaction as a learning opportunity, even if it leads to a rejection.
  • Consider the benefits of using InMail to reach beyond your network but be mindful of its potential intrusiveness.
  • Efficiently identify the right recipients using LinkedIn’s granular search capabilities.
  • Personalize your outreach, remain patient with follow-up, continuously enhance your profile, and learn from each interaction for better results.
  • Address frequently asked questions regarding follow-up cadence, message length, avoiding being perceived as spam, the effectiveness of InMail versus regular messaging, and the use of automation in outreach.
  • Leverage Growbots’ free trial for an enhanced cold messaging experience and streamlined outreach efforts.

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Introduction to Cold Messaging on LinkedIn

In the professional sphere of LinkedIn, cold messaging serves as a digital handshake, often laying the groundwork for future cooperation or business relationships. To ensure success, one must be strategic about the approach. Here are key considerations to kick off your LinkedIn cold messaging journey:
Profile OptimizationEnsure your LinkedIn profile is complete, professional, and reflects your objectives.
Value PropositionBe clear about what value you can offer to the recipient.
ResearchConduct thorough research on the person and company to tailor your message appropriately.
TimingTake note of the best times to send messages for higher response rates.
StrategyHave a clear strategy for follow-up in case you don’t get a response initially.

Understanding Cold Messaging

The act of cold messaging, while seemingly straightforward, requires a blend of psychology and strategy to be truly effective. At its core, the objective is to create a connection from a place of no mutual history, trading solely on the value proposition within the initial contact.When executed well, cold messaging can be an invaluable part of a LinkedIn outreach strategy, seamlessly fitting into a broader effort to build and nurture a professional network. To help visualize this concept, the following factors are essential:
  • Understanding the recipient’s perspective and potential needs
  • Presenting as a solution, not an interruption
  • Creating a brief yet compelling narrative

The Basics of Crafting a Cold Message

The initial message to a potential LinkedIn connection serves as the linchpin of the cold outreach process. It must be crafted with precision and thoughtfulness to encourage engagement. Here are fundamental elements every cold message should contain:
  • The Reason: Why are you reaching out?
  • The Connection: How can you relate to the recipient?
  • The Ask: What do you want them to do?
Employing these elements effectively requires more than a simple template; it involves a tailored approach that resonates with the recipient’s interests or business needs. Below is an example of how these elements can take shape in a message:
The Reason“I noticed we share a passion for renewable energy…”
The Connection“…especially after reading your article on sustainable technologies.”
The Ask“Could we connect and discuss potential collaborations?”

Strategies for Successful Cold Messaging

To turn your LinkedIn inbox into a gateway to productive professional relationships, several strategies come into play. It’s not just about sending messages—it’s about sending the right messages to the right people at the right time.

LinkedIn research shows that sending a single, personalized message will increase your response rate by 30%.


The table below outlines various strategies and their potential impact:
StrategyPotential Impact
PersonalizationIncreases the likelihood of receiving a response by making the message relevant to the recipient.
Social ProofMentioning mutual connections or endorsements can lend credibility.
Offering ValueProviding a clear benefit or solving a specific problem can prompt a dialogue.
ConcisenessRespecting the recipient’s time with a brief message can facilitate quicker engagement.
By integrating these strategies into your cold messaging efforts, there’s a better chance of not only getting a response but also forming valuable connections that may lead to exciting career opportunities or business ventures.

Messaging Etiquette on LinkedIn

LinkedIn, as a professional networking platform, demands adherence to certain unwritten rules of etiquette. Cold messaging, while ambitious, should never overstep the bounds of professionalism. It’s about making a connection, not demanding attention. Respect, courtesy, and relevance should be the pillars of the approach.Here is a quick checklist for maintaining proper messaging etiquette:
  • Personalize the message, but keep it professional.
  • Do not send multiple messages in rapid succession; patience is key.
  • Always be polite, even when faced with rejections.
  • Ensure the message has a clear purpose and is not merely a sales pitch.

Targeting the Right People

The importance of targeting in cold messaging cannot be overstated. The objective should never be to cast a wide net in hopes that someone, anyone, will respond. Instead, LinkedIn provides tools that allow for precision targeting based on criteria such as industry, function, seniority, and even specific companies.To help illustrate the process of targeting the right audience, below is a table with key criteria and tips:
Targeting CriteriaTips
Job TitleFocus on those who have the authority to make decisions or influence them.
IndustryTarget industries where your experience or offerings are most relevant.
Company SizeTailor your message according to the scale of the organization.
LocationConsider location if your service or product has geographical relevance.
By being selective and intentional about who is reached out to, the likelihood of engagement and positive response increases substantially.

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Building a Connection Before Messaging

It’s wise to consider various touchpoints before sending out that cold message. Engaging with a prospect‘s content—liking, sharing, or commenting on their posts—can serve as an icebreaker. Such interactions can subtly put the name on the prospect’s radar, making them more receptive to future messages.This strategic pre-engagement can be thought of as “warming up” a cold contact. Consider endorsing a skill, congratulating on a new job, or interacting with posts they’ve shared recently to establish a sense of rapport.

First Impressions Matter

In terms of LinkedIn cold messaging, as in life, first impressions are crucial. Recipients often gauge the worth of a message by its subject line or opening sentence, deciding within seconds whether it warrants further reading.To help make a standout first impression, consider the following table outlining elements of an effective opener:
Opening ElementImpact
PersonalizationShows you’ve taken the time to know who they are.
RelevanceConnects the message to the recipient’s interests or goals.
BrevityEnsures the message is quick to read and to the point.
Value PropositionPiques interest by highlighting what’s in it for them.
By focusing on these elements, the message will stand out in a crowded inbox and significantly increase the chances of a response.

Exemplary LinkedIn Cold Message

The essence of a LinkedIn cold message lies in its ability to convey a compelling narrative within the confines of a brief text. A masterfully crafted message is clear, concise, and focused, with a distinct purpose—and it leaves a lasting impression.An effective LinkedIn message often contains the following:
  • A warm greeting that feels personal.
  • Mention of a commonality or point of interest to forge a connection.
  • A concise presentation of the value proposition.
  • A clear and polite call to action.
Striking the right balance between familiarity and professionalism is key to crafting messages that not just get read but also acted upon. Let’s have a look at an example:

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

As someone who is deeply involved in [Industry], your contributions have been followed with great interest.

Your recent article on [Topic] offered a fresh perspective on [Specific Aspect], which aligns with the initiatives at [Your Company].

With [Your Company]’s mission to [Briefly describe company mission/goal], there is a significant synergy between the work.

Ideas on [Specific Idea from Post] could greatly complement the approach, especially as [mention any relevant company project/news] is in progress.

Beyond immediate goals, a partnership could help both parties make a broader impact in [Industry].

Are you available for a 15-minute chat next Tuesday or Thursday to discuss this exciting possibility?

Looking forward to the opportunity of collaborating with you.

Warm regards,

[Your Name] 

This message includes a subject that precisely suggests a professional conversation, reinforcing the message’s intent. It sets a context by acknowledging the recipient’s thought leadership within their industry, making it clear that the sender isn’t reaching out randomly, but with a purposeful and informed intention. By offering a brief outline of the company’s goals and projects, the sender demonstrates preparedness and establishes a foundation for a potential collaboration. A specific call to action suggests a low-commitment yet strategic step towards a dialogue, increasing the likelihood of a positive response.Incorporating additional context not only increases the personalization of the message but also enhances its professional value, making it a strong example of how to initiate a conversation on LinkedIn effectively.

Direct Approach vs Indirect Approach

When initiating contact on LinkedIn, the choice is between a direct approach, where the intent is stated outright, and an indirect approach, where rapport is built before making an ask. Each strategy has its merits and can be effective in different situations.Here’s a breakdown of both approaches to help choose the most appropriate path:
ApproachWhen to UseProsCons
DirectWhen your value proposition is clear-cut and compelling.More efficient use of time.Runs the risk of coming across as too aggressive.
IndirectWhen seeking to establish a relationship or understand needs better.Builds rapport and trust.Requires more time and effort.
Choosing the right approach depends on both the objective and the understanding of the prospect. A blend of both approaches can sometimes work best, demonstrating professionalism while showing that meaningful relationships are valued.

Writing for Different Objectives

The objective behind sending a LinkedIn cold message can range from seeking a job opportunity to proposing a business collaboration or making a sale. It is paramount that the message aligns with the end goal.Consider this table for tailoring the message to different objectives:
ObjectiveKey Focus
SalesHighlight the unique benefits of the product or service.
NetworkingStress common interests or mutual connections.
Job SeekingDraw attention to relevant skills and experience.
PartnershipDiscuss mutual benefits and potential synergies.
The message should be crafted in such a way that the recipient sees the value in responding, recognizing that the objectives align with their interests or needs.

Creating a Strong Profile to Support the Message

The LinkedIn profile is often the first place a recipient of a cold message will visit to vet. Hence, ensuring the profile effectively showcases the professional brand is vital in supporting the cold messaging endeavors.Best practices for a strong LinkedIn profile include:
  1. A professional photograph that reflects the image you wish to project.
  2. A headline that captures expertise and value.
  3. A summary that tells the professional story and aspirations.
  4. Detailed experience sections that exhibit successes and skills.

The Role of Personalization

Personalization can be the difference between a new connection and being ignored. LinkedIn messages that are tailored to the recipient show that research has been done and they are seen as more than just another contact.

According to various researches, 20-55% of prospects will accept a LinkedIn cold message if it is personalized and uses 2nd-degree contacts.


Consider this list of personalization techniques:
  1. Reference a recent post or article the recipient has shared.
  2. Congratulate them on a recent achievement or work anniversary.
  3. Mention mutual connections or shared affiliations.
Using these tactics will likely improve the response rate and lay the foundation for a stronger connection.

The Importance of Clarity and Brevity

In the information-heavy landscape of LinkedIn, clear and concise messages often yield the best response rates. A message that gets straight to the point reflects respect for the recipient’s time and attention, increasing the likelihood of it being read and acted upon.Consider these elements for crafting succinct messages:
  • Clarity: Communicate the intent and value proposition without the need for interpretation.
  • Conciseness: Keep the message short; aim for no more than a few sentences.
  • Purpose: Ensure each sentence serves a distinct purpose in the message.
The following are examples that highlight these principles:
Clear Message ExampleBrief Message ExamplePurposeful Message Example
“Reaching out to discuss potential collaboration opportunities related to your sustainability initiative.”“Could we connect this Thursday for a quick call about a partnership?”“As a fellow alum of XYZ University, I’d love to discuss how we might support each other’s career growth.”

Using Templates Wisely

While templates can save time and ensure consistency, their effectiveness fades if they are not adapted to each unique interaction. Thus, it is important to customize templates to maintain a personalized touch.Here are some pointers on using templates smartly:
  • Use templates as a starting point, but modify them to suit the individual situation.
  • Inject elements of personalization to make each message feel tailor-made.
  • Update templates regularly to reflect any changes in strategy or market dynamics.

Following Up on Messages

Persistent follow-up can be just as important as the initial message. Sometimes, a gentle reminder can prompt action from connections who missed the first message or forgot to reply.To visualize the follow-up process, consider this timeline:
Follow-Up IntervalAction
1 Week After Initial MessageSend a polite reminder, reiterating the value proposition.
2 Weeks After Initial MessageFollow up with additional information or a new angle on the proposition.
1 Month After Initial MessageReach out one last time, expressing continued interest in connecting.
Remember, the goal is to be persistent without being pushy, which can be a fine line to navigate.

Handling Rejections and Non-Responses

Not all cold messaging endeavors will result in positive engagement, and dealing with rejection is part of the process. Learning from these experiences is essential for refining the strategy.When faced with rejection or silence, consider the following:
  • Reflect on the content of the messages to identify potential areas of improvement.
  • Use rejection as an opportunity to seek feedback, whenever possible.
  • Maintain professionalism, thank them for their time, and move on.
Each interaction, regardless of the outcome, is a learning opportunity to enhance the LinkedIn cold messaging approach.

Using LinkedIn’s InMail Feature

LinkedIn InMail allows sending messages to users not connected with. However, it should be used judiciously given its higher visibility and potential to look like unsolicited contact.Weigh the pros and cons of using InMail:
Higher delivery rate to inboxesLimited number of InMail credits
Can reach non-connectionsMay be perceived as more intrusive

A LinkedIn InMail sent as a last resort has a response rate of 27%.


InMail can be powerful when used in the right context and with the right message. It’s vital to ensure that you are confident in the value being offered when choosing to use this feature.

Leveraging LinkedIn’s Search and Filter Tools

LinkedIn’s advanced search and filtering tools are invaluable for identifying exactly who should be messaged. These tools allow pinpointing the most suitable candidates for outreach based on numerous criteria.Utilize the search and filter tools effectively:
  1. Use keywords to find profiles matching specific skills, interests, or experiences.
  2. Filter by location, company, industry, or job title for targeted messaging.
  3. Save searches to streamline the prospecting process.
This tactical use of LinkedIn’s features ensures that the time spent on crafting and sending messages yields the highest possible return.

Best Practices for Cold Messaging

As we conclude, it’s crucial to encapsulate the best practices of LinkedIn cold messaging within a single perspective:
  • Always personalize and target messages to the appropriate audience.
  • Patience and persistence are virtues; follow up accordingly.
  • Constantly optimize the LinkedIn profile to complement outreach efforts.
  • Use rejections as stepping stones to refine the approach.
By adhering to these principles, the LinkedIn cold messaging campaigns are far more likely to be successful and fruitful.

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LinkedIn cold messaging is an art that combines personalization, strategy, and professionalism. It’s about connecting with the right people at the right time and offering them something of genuine value. With the strategies and etiquette discussed, you are now equipped to undertake LinkedIn cold messaging with confidence and grace.Remember, cold messaging is not just about immediate results; it’s about planting seeds for future collaborations, relationships, and opportunities. Stay dedicated to refining your methods, and results will follow.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How often should one follow up on a cold message if there is no response?

A: It’s generally recommended to follow up 1-2 times if no response is received. Wait about a week for the first follow-up and another two weeks if a second follow-up is necessary. Beyond that, respect the recipient’s space and consider focusing on other prospects.

Q: Is it better to send cold messages during specific times or days?

A: While the optimal time can vary depending on the prospect’s habits and time zone, Tuesdays through Thursdays during business hours are generally considered good times to send LinkedIn messages for higher visibility. However, it’s crucial to test different times and analyze response rates to determine what works best for your target audience.

Q: How long should a LinkedIn cold message be?

A: Keep your cold message under 300 characters if possible. This ensures your message is concise enough to be read quickly but long enough to convey your intent and value proposition.

Q: Can the same message be used for all LinkedIn cold messaging outreach?

A: Using the same template for all outreach is not recommended. It is essential to tailor each message to the individual recipient to increase personalization and relevance, which significantly improves response rates.

Q: How can one make sure a LinkedIn message is not perceived as spam?

A: To avoid being perceived as spam, ensure messages are personalized, offer clear value, and are relevant to the recipient. Avoid using aggressive sales language and make sure to adhere to LinkedIn’s messaging policies.

Q: Should LinkedIn’s InMail or regular messaging be used for cold outreach?

A: Regular messaging is sufficient for reaching out to first-degree connections and others if a LinkedIn group is shared. However, InMail can be beneficial for reaching individuals with whom there is no direct connection, provided there is a Premium account or credits to use. It’s worth noting that InMail typically has higher open rates but should be used sparingly.

Q: Can automation tools be used for LinkedIn cold messaging?

A: LinkedIn prohibits the use of unauthorized automation tools for messaging. While some tools claim to automate the process, using them risks violating LinkedIn’s terms of service and can lead to account restrictions. Personalized, manual outreach is always the safest approach.

Q: What should be done if there is consistently no response to cold messages?

A: If consistently not getting responses, reevaluate the messaging strategy. Consider if the target audience, message content, or timing needs adjustment. It may also be helpful to seek feedback from peers or mentors on your approach.

Q: How can the success of LinkedIn cold messaging efforts be measured?

A: Success can be measured by the response rate, the number of meaningful conversations started, and the advancement of relationships or deals. Keep track of these metrics to understand how well the cold messaging is performing and where there’s room for improvement.

Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid with LinkedIn cold messaging?

A: Common mistakes include a lack of personalization, focusing too much on selling rather than offering value, being too persistent with follow-ups, and not having a clear call to action. Avoid these to increase the likelihood of a positive engagement.

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