How to Warm Up an Email Account: Everything you need to know

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How to Warm Up an Email Account

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In today’s digital age, the art of email communication is more crucial than ever, particularly when it comes to business outreach and marketing strategies. Email warm-up, an essential procedure for establishing a reputable sender status, is the practice every successful email campaign begins with. 

This guide outlines the imperative process of warming up an email account, and introduces you to the state-of-the-art tool offered by Growbots that ensures your emails always hit the mark.


  • Email warm-up is a crucial process involving gradually increasing the volume of sent emails to establish a trustworthy sender reputation and prevent emails from landing in the spam folder.
  • A proper warm-up boosts email deliverability, ensuring campaigns reach the intended inboxes, thus leading to better engagement rates.
  • Engaging with recipients positively through email interaction like opens and replies signals email providers that the sender is legitimate, benefitting future deliverability.
  • Before launching email campaigns, one should have a warm-up strategy that includes understanding the target audience and planning content that encourages recipient interaction.
  • There are two primary methods for warming up emails: a manual approach, which affords personalized, careful management, and an automated approach, which is efficient and ideal for scaling the process.
  • Growbots offers an intuitive email warm-up tool, Warmbots, that automates the warm-up process, saves time, and ensures consistent engagement that benefits sender reputation.
  • Maintaining a good sender reputation post-warm-up requires continuous engagement with recipients, regular monitoring of spam complaints, and consistent email list hygiene.
  • For cold email outreach, it is vital to craft engaging subject lines, personalize content, and align with best practices to avoid triggering spam filters.
  • Compliance with legal standards such as the CAN-SPAM Act and GDPR is integral, ensuring the warm-up process respects privacy regulations and sender best practices.
  • The email warm-up is an ongoing commitment, not a one-time event, necessitating continuous optimization, and adaptation to email providers’ changing policies and algorithms.
  • Growbots can assist with any questions related to warming up emails and offers additional tools for sales prospecting to complement email warm-up efforts.

What is email warm-up?

The concept of email warm-up refers to the practice of gradually increasing the volume of sent emails from a new email account or domain over time. This process helps establish a positive sending reputation with email service providers. By slowly building this reputation, you ensure your emails avoid being marked as spam, improving your chances of landing in the recipient’s primary inbox.

ReputationEstablishing a sender’s reputation as trustworthy prevents emails from being flagged as spam.
DeliverabilityWarm-up influences the deliverability rate, ensuring emails land in inboxes.
VolumeGradually increasing the sending volume is integral to the warm-up process.
EngagementInteractions from recipients (like opening emails or marking as not spam) boost reputation.

Why is email warm-up important?

Email deliverability and sender reputation are vital metrics in the success of email campaigns. Warming up an email ensures a better chance of your emails being noticed, engaged with, and ultimately, actionable.

Importance of warming up an emailWhy it matters
Builds sender reputationImproves deliverability rates
Helps avoid spam filtersLeads to better engagement
Prepares for higher volume sendingEssential for successful email campaigns
Gives time to establish domain reputationCreates trust with email providers


Improving email deliverability

Effective warm-up practices elevate email deliverability rates, signifying that more of your cold emails reach the inboxes of potential leads or clients. This directly influences the success rate of your email campaigns.

Emails with high engagement rates have a 440% higher chance of reaching the inbox compared to those with low engagement rates. ISPs use email engagement metrics to determine sender reputation, which underscores the importance of a well-executed email warm-up process.


Make sure to read about 17 reasons your outbound emails go to spam and how to fix it.

Enhancing sender reputation

A solid sender reputation with email service providers is akin to having a good credit score when seeking a loan. It is crucial in convincing email providers that you’re a credible source whose communications are worthy of the main inbox.

Avoiding spam filters

Nobody wants their carefully crafted emails to end up in the abyss of the spam folder. Proper email warm-up helps “teach” spam filters that your emails are legitimate and wanted by recipients, thus fortifying your inbox placement.

Ensuring email engagement

The higher the chance of your emails reaching the prospects’ inboxes, the higher the chances for genuine interactions from them, such as opens and replies. These interactions also indicate to ISPs that your emails are welcomed, thus improving the chances of future emails being delivered successfully.

Engagement metrics comparison after email warm up

Inbox DeliveryA warmed-up email is more likely to land in the inbox, thereby increasing visibility and the chance of engagement.
Engagement MetricsWarm-up practices influence positive engagement metrics, which subsequently affects future email deliverability.

Strategizing the warm-up of cold email campaigns

Before launching a cold email campaign, it’s essential to warm up your email. This groundwork allows you to bypass spam filters and establish a rapport with recipients, leading to better results. When strategizing the warm-up phase of your cold campaigns, you should assess both the volume and the type of emails—that is, the content and its relevance to recipients.

Steps for Warm-Up StrategizingDescription
Assess Your AudienceTailor your warm-up volume to your target demographic
Plan ContentDraft emails that are relevant and engaging
Gradual Volume IncreaseRamp up the number of emails slowly to avoid raising red flags
Monitor ResponsesAnalyze open rates and engagement for insights on deliverability

Our tip: Utilize A/B testing during the warm-up stage to refine content and subject lines for better engagement and results in your upcoming cold email campaign.

Warm-Up for Predictable Outcomes

Reach Inboxes, Not Spam Folders

your email setup check

Be compliant with the newest Google & Yahoo regulations

How to warm up emails

As we mentioned before, email warm-up is a vital process for anyone looking to embark on email marketing campaigns. When it comes to the methodologies of warming up your email, there are primarily two paths: the manual process or leveraging automated tools, each with its pros and cons.


Manual email warm-up involves a human touch, with careful attention paid to incrementally increasing email volume and engagement over time.

Emails from senders with high engagement rates (above 20%) had a deliverability rate of 89%, compared to just 65% for those with low engagement rates (below 10%).


Step 1: Technical Configuration

Ensuring the correct DNS settings for the domain, including SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records, is crucial. This foundational step establishes credibility with email servers, which is vital for improving email deliverability.

Step 2: Starting with Low Email Volume

Initiating the process by sending a small number of emails is recommended. This approach helps to avoid triggering spam filters and starts building a positive reputation for both the domain and the email account.

Step 3: Gradual Increase in Email Volume

It is advised to incrementally increase the email volume over time. This method demonstrates a natural email activity pattern to ISPs and aids in developing a credible sender reputation.

Step 4: Engaging Recipients with Personalized Content

Creating emails that encourage recipient interaction is essential. The goal is for emails to be opened, read, and responded to, which indicates the legitimacy and value of the emails to providers.

Step 5: Monitoring Responses and Making Adjustments

Monitoring how emails are received is important. Using deliverability testing tools and making strategy adjustments based on feedback and outcomes, including monitoring open rates and spam markings, is recommended to assess the warm-up strategy’s effectiveness.

Step 6: Consistency in Email Content and Sending Frequency

Maintaining a steady and quality pace in email content and frequency is very important. This consistency builds trust with email providers and recipients and avoids triggering spam filters.

Volume ramp-up during warm up process


An automated approach paves the way for a hands-off, efficient email warm-up process. Despite the fact that there are many tools for this purpose on the market, our email warm-up tool especially embodies this strategy, making it an invaluable asset to your campaign strategy.

How does it work? Let’s dig in:

Email warm up with Warmbots

At Growbots, we take on the heavy lifting of email warm-up through its intuitive and sophisticated email warm-up tool. This service ensures your emails always reach their intended inbox with minimal effort on your part. Here’s a glimpse of the benefits:

Ease of UseSet up the tool in simple steps and let it work its magic in the background.
EffectivenessGrowbots’ tool is designed to maximize the deliverability of your emails.
Time-SavingFree up valuable time to focus on crafting compelling email content.
ScalabilityAs your business grows, the tool effortlessly manages the increasing email volume.
ReportingGain insights into your warm-up progress through detailed analytics.

So, how can Warmbots help with the email warm up of your email addresses?

Automated Email Interactions

At its core, Warmbots functions by automatically exchanging messages with other subscribers’ email accounts. This activity includes pulling your emails from the spam folder and marking them as important, thereby simulating authentic human email interactions.

Gradual Email Ramp-Up

To build and maintain a robust sender reputation, Warmbots strategically ramps up the number of emails it sends. Starting with a few messages, it gradually increases this number, emulating real-world email usage and avoiding any sudden spikes that might trigger spam filters.

Customizable Email Volume

You have the power to adjust the number of messages sent by Warmbots. While the default recommendation is to set it to 40 messages for optimal results, this number can be tailored to your specific needs, especially important given recent policy changes for Gmail accounts.

How to warm up an email with Warmbots

Real-Time Monitoring and Reporting

The Warmbots dashboard is your window into the warm-up process. Here, you can track the progress, monitor the current spam rates for your email accounts, and observe the evolving status of your inbox – from ‘warming up’ to ‘good’.

Comprehensive Compatibility

Warmbots is designed to support a broad spectrum of email accounts, including Outlook and IMAP/SMTP accounts, ensuring its benefits are accessible regardless of your email platform.

DNS Records Monitoring

Beyond just email interactions, Warmbots also provides insights into the status of your DNS records, a crucial aspect of email deliverability.

Secure your email outreach activities with a proven tool. Register to Warmbots today and warm up your first 3 inboxes for $0.

Warm-Up for Predictable Outcomes

Reach Inboxes, Not Spam Folders

your email setup check

Be compliant with the newest Google & Yahoo regulations

Manual Versus Automated Email Warm-Up: Which to Choose?

The debate between manual warm up and automated services is contingent on several factors, including the volume of emails, resources at one’s disposal, and the nature of the campaign. Manually warming up an account gives the sender direct control over the process, ensuring that each step is personalized and carefully managed. On the flip side, automated email warm-up offers convenience and a hands-free approach that can be highly beneficial for individuals or teams with limited time.

Our tip: Always consider the balance between time investment and control when deciding between these two warm-up approaches. If time is scarce and volumes are high, an automated solution like Growbots’ Email Warm-Up service may be the more efficient choice.

Navigating common warm-up challenges and how to overcome them

Various obstacles can arise during the email warm-up process, ranging from technical issues to mismanagement of email volumes. It’s essential to recognize these challenges early and develop strategies to address them effectively.

Low engagement ratesRevise email content for relevance and value
Emails landing in spamCheck your domain and IP against blacklists
Scaling warm-up with email volumeEmploy a phased approach and monitor feedback

Email Service Providers and their warm-up policies

Different email service providers (ESPs) have distinct criteria and technologies to assess the trustworthiness of senders. Some ESPs offer guidance for new accounts to properly warm up and escape the spam folder, reflecting the importance of a good warm-up. Google, for instance, has its algorithms that track large volumes of sent emails, especially regarding new accounts, to prevent spam. Similarly, other providers monitor for erratic volumes that deviate significantly from the norm.

Email Service Provider Warm-Up Policies

Email Service ProviderTypical Warm-Up Policy
GmailMonitors for sudden spikes in email volume
OutlookRecommends progressive increase in sent emails
YahooEvaluates consistency in email rhythm
HotmailScans for proper authentication protocols

Adhering to these policies during the warm-up phase is crucial to maintain a positive sender reputation and ensure smooth email deliverability when the volume increases for larger campaigns.

Read also: Google Bans Cold Email Warmup: Why and What to Do Next?

Maintaining a good sender reputation post-warm-up

After executing a successful email warm-up strategy, it’s imperative to maintain that good sender reputation. This is an ongoing process requiring vigilance and consistent best practices.

To maintain a solid reputation, consider the following actions:

Continue engaging with recipientsTo keep open and click-through rates high
Monitor feedback loopsTo respond promptly to any spam complaints
Regularly clean your email listTo avoid sending to invalid addresses

Effective email engagement strategies, such as sending valuable content and conducting deliverability tests, are also essential. By staying proactive in these areas, you can safeguard your sender reputation against potential threats and fluctuations over time.

Avoiding the spam trap: best practices for cold email outreach

Cold emails can quickly trigger spam alarms if not handled properly. Crafting a persuasive subject line, avoiding overly sales-oriented language, and personalizing your emails can all contribute to a better inbox placement. Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • Craft engaging subject lines that aren’t marked by spam filters
  • Personalize the content to the recipient

For extensive tricks to improve deliverability, consider reading about the best practices.

Adhering to legalities and sender best practices

In addition to its effect on deliverability, email warming also ensures compliance with legal standards. Understanding the rules like CAN-SPAM Act and GDPR is crucial to staying out of legal and email reputation troubles. Keep in mind:

  • Always provide an opt-out option
  • Respect privacy regulations and get explicit consent when needed

Check out our Guide to Anti-Spam Laws here.

Continuously optimizing your email strategy

Warming up your email is not a one-off task. It’s a continuous process that evolves with your email campaign strategies. Keep testing and optimizing:

  • Track deliverability metrics over time and keep fine-tuning your strategy
  • Stay updated with the email providers‘ changing algorithms and best practices

Hover over to learn more about creating effective campaigns by sending emails at the right time here.

By considering these vital components in warming up your email, your cold outreach initiatives can achieve greater success with a strong email foundation.

Final words

Concluding, the email warm-up is not just a preparatory step but an ongoing commitment to maintaining a positive reputation and email deliverability. Meticulous planning, the right mix of manual efforts and automated tools, and an understanding of the nuances of ESPs can create a robust foundation for any email campaign.

Remember, a steady and informed approach to warming up your email account will foretell the success of your email marketing initiatives. A well-warmed email is a gateway to meaningful engagement and solid sender reputation—milestones that every email marketer aspires to achieve.

Hopefully now you will be able to successfully warm up emails. In case of questions, our team will be happy to help. You might also find our compilation of sales prospecting tools on 45 best sales prospecting tools useful, especially when looking to bridge the gap between effective prospect targeting and initial outreach efforts.


How long should you warm up your email?

The warm-up period can vary but generally spans over a few weeks to a few months, depending on the initial engagement levels. As a general rule, the warm-up period should continue until a consistent level of engagement is achieved without impacting email deliverability services negatively.

What does it mean to warm up an email address?

Warming up an email address means gradually increasing email sending volume to establish a strong reputation with ISPs and avoid being marked as spam.

How do I warm up an old email list?

Revive an old email list by first validating the list for active users and then implementing a slow and steady email campaign, reminiscent of a typical warm-up process.

How do I integrate an email warm up tool with my CRM / Sales Engagement?

Most email warm up tools offer integration functionalities with popular CRM and Sales Engagement platforms through APIs or built-in connectors. To integrate, you typically need to access the settings in your CRM/sales tool, locate the email or integrations section, and follow the instructions provided by the warm up tool. Some providers offer step-by-step guides or customer support to assist with integration, making the process smooth and straightforward.

How can I calculate what percentage of my emails land in spam?

To calculate the percentage of emails landing in spam, you can use deliverability tools that track where your sent emails are ending up. These tools send emails to seed addresses controlled by the tool provider across various email providers and track inbox placement. By comparing the number of emails that went to spam against the total sent, you’ll find the percentage. Additionally, maintaining transparency with your recipient list can help, as asking for feedback regarding email placement can provide real-world insights.

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